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The Nellie Semans Society
The Chesapeake Bay and CBF lost a beloved friend on December 29, 2018. Nellie Semans was, and continues to be, an inspiration to us all. Accomplished but humble, strong in faith and conviction, Nellie's elegance and stylishness were matched by her generosity, thoughtfulness, and sunny optimism. She was truly a light to all who had the good fortune to know her.

CBF's legacy society proudly carries Nellie's name to honor the profound impact she and her husband Truman Semans have had on our mission.
The Nellie Semans Society is a group of CBF supporters who, in addition to any annual support, have made a lasting commitment to the Bay through a life-income gift with CBF or by naming us a beneficiary of their estate plan. The Society brings together those with vision, dedication, and a generous spirit to recognize their enduring commitment to the Bay's future.
Already included CBF in your estate plans? Please let us know. Your membership in The Nellie Semans Society allows us to recognize your commitment and may inspire generosity in others, encouraging them to follow the example of your leadership. You may always choose to remain anonymous, but we urge you to let us know of your plans on a confidential basis.
Read testimonials from existing Society members here.
Benefits of Membership
To acknowledge their support, CBF offers the following benefits to members of the Nellie Semans Society:
- A welcome gift as a small token of thanks
- Invitations to exclusive boat trips and land-based events
- Invitations to CBF events
- Breaking news from our President by mail or email
- Save the Bay magazine, published three times a year
- CBF's annual calendar
- CBF's Annual Report, which includes Society recognition
Please contact us to learn more about planned giving with CBF.